As an apex academic institution, the roles and functions of the SCERT are to
Develop appropriate age-specific curriculum and learning materials in the local specific context of the state as per need.
Ensure implementation of CCE in schools and monitoring its effectiveness.
Support implementation of various educational programmes in the state and monitoring their progress.
Address the training needs of the teachers, teacher educators and the heads of schools.
Develop in-service training design, training modules and materials for various clientele groups.
Conduct training programmes for teachers, teacher educators and the heads of schools.
Conduct innovative teaching learning practices.
Undertake research and evaluation studies.
Support, supervise and monitor the functioning of DIETs.
Provide inputs to the Department of school education for formulation of Educational plans and policies.
Co-ordinate with the educational institutions and organizations such as NERIE, RIEs NCERT, CCRT, NCTE, NUEPA & UNESCO etc.